Community and local groups

  • ABC Parent and Toddler Group

    ABC offers a Tuesday session running from 10am to 11:30am, costing £1.
    Location: Christ the Vine Community Church, Jonathans Coffee Hall, Milton Keynes, Buckinghamshire, MK6 5EG

    Duncan Barnes on 01908 674742

  • Milton Keynes: Health Walks

    Walking for Health in Milton Keynes is co-ordinated by Milton Keynes Council Sports Development Team and delivered by a network of volunteers who offer a range of walking groups, to suit walkers of all fitness levels.

    01908 253154



  • Bletchley Pathfinder

    The Bletchley Pathfinder Project consists of 5 GP practices based in Bletchley that are working together with the Council and other agencies, to benefit the local population.

    Bletchley Pathfinder drop-in sessions (PDF)
    Bletchley Youth Club (PDF)

  • Dementia friendly activities and games

    Activity, fun and games in Milton Keynes.
    Suitable for all ages and capabilities.
    Every Thursday 2pm to 3pm.
    £5 per session, carers go free!
    Refreshments provided

    Includes activities such as:
    – Dementia friendly walking
    – Football
    – Badminton
    – Clock cricket
    – Table tennis
    – Bowls
    – Board games
    – Hungry Hippos

    Brooklands Community Sports Pavilion
    Countess Way
    Milton Keynes
    MK10 7HN

    Supported by the MK Dons set coaches, and admiral nurses.

  • Armed Forces walk-in sessions

    Seeking help can feel hard and overwhelming, especially the first time you reach out. Some ex-forces don’t know what help is out there, how to ask for it, and might need support connecting with it.

    Whether you served many years ago and feel your challenges are not related to your service, or you have just left and are not sure how to engage with civilian services, the walk-in can help.

    Held every third Wednesday of the month from 10am to midday. Aimed at members of the Armed Forces community who:
    – Might need help but struggle to ask
    – Not sure what is available
    – Unsure how to access it
    – May have had help before and feel they need more
    – Feel ‘something is wrong’ but not sure what to do about it.
    – Want advice and guidance about a specific issue
    – Are lonely/isolated and want to connect with other veterans

    The Walk-In provides a safe place for information and guidance, and a chance to meet with a range of support services.

    Blue Light Hub
    West Ashland Fire Station
    3 Thornbury
    Milton Keynes
    MK6 4BB

    For help or to request contact about attending a session, please submit the below form: MK Armed Forces walk-in sessions contact form

  • Youth Drug and Alcohol Solutions Team (YDAS)

    Drug and alcohol misuse has multiple risks to your development and health. The damage done during childhood can impact your future, limiting your physical and education development. Many adults with established drug misuse problems started using drugs as a young person.
    – Are you aged 18 or under, and would like someone to talk to about your own, or someone else’s drug and/or alcohol use?
    Have you been affected by someone else’s drug and/or alcohol use.
    – Would you simply like to become more informed around the topic of drugs and alcohol use?
    – YDAS also provides a wide range of drug and alcohol awareness training for Professionals and classroom-based educational workshops for schools and colleges.

    For more information and to access this service
    You can ask for support from the service by completing a simple referral form and a member of the team will contact you to discuss support.

    If you need more information please call either:
    Zoe Ashton 07557 317317
    James Coleman 07823 518842
    Email the team:

  • Community Learning MK

    Free Health and Wellbeing sessions available to all MK Residents aged 19 and above.

    These include: 
    Well-being for pain management
    Chair yoga
    Art for well-being
    Better sleep
    Youth well-being
    Family learning
    For a full listing, visit:
    Health & Wellbeing Course Listings
    Contact: Community Learning MK
    Tel: 01908 252500