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Medi2Data notice

The practice uses ‘emr by medi2data’ and ‘iGPR’ (IT data processing services) to help us process subject access requests for patient records, ensuring GDPR is followed. The advantage for the practice using these services are that medical records can be presented in a format that can be easily read and understood, sensitive data can be redacted (edited, removed) if needed (please inform us of any information you wish to redact), whilst following strict information governance and data protection procedures.

Emr by medi2data and iGPR are bound by strict data protection policies and your medical record will not be viewed or shared by emr and iGPR. *Please note emr by medi2data uses a two-step authentication process for added security. You will be sent a verification code via your mobile phone in order to access and download your medical record securely online via emr. If you do not have access to email, please inform us. Please also ensure your email server allows the email address, as you will receive the medical records through here.

Page published: 11 November 2024
Last updated: 11 November 2024