Contract of care

The GPs, nurses, practitioners and staff aim to provide the highest possible care to our patients.

The aim of this contract of care is to ensure that you understand the practice policies, why such policies are in place and then follow them.

We particularly recommend that you read closely the details relating to our appointment, repeat prescribing and behaviour expectations.

Your responsibilities

  • Comply with recommended treatment.
  • Participate in appropriate screening and prevention programmes.
  • Commit to a healthy lifestyle with support from the practice if required.
  • Treat clinicians and staff with dignity and respect at all times.
  • Be aware of our practice booking system and use this appropriately and book with the appropriate clinician.

Practice responsibilities

  • Offer access to quality medical services.
  • Provide you with an appointment with a GP or appropriate healthcare professional or signpost you to a suitable alternative service in line with our appointments procedure.
  • Enable you to relevant appointments with the right clinician the first time.
  • Treat you with dignity and respect at all times.
  • Ensure all patients have access to a patient information leaflet which includes information of how to book an appointment.

Information about all the services we provide are detailed on our website. If you do not have access to the internet, please ask at reception for a practice leaflet.