Patients Asked And We Did

Can we send text messages to all our patients to remind them when we are closed for protected learning time?

This service is now live and if you have consented to test messages you will in future receive an SMS as a reminder.

5 day pre -bookable appointments for our Advanced Nurse Practitioners

This has now been implanted at both our sites.

Review of the space allocated to the disabled parking at Furzton Surgery

We are currently working with our landlord to have this resolved and have  requested the spaces are widened.

More blood test appointments

We now offer early mornings every other week for blood tests.

Children’s play area *updated January 2020

Book corner is now available at both sites , thank you to our PPG for funding the project , the book shelf is well used already.

More support for carers

We are now an accredited carers practice and to support carers even further we have now implemented in house that all carers registered with us will have any referral treated as a priority by our secretary team.

E-consultations – our recent patient survey showed that patients would be keen to be able to email a clinician  *updated January 2020

E-consultations is now live through our website.

Appointments to be released earlier than 8.30 am for on the day

All of our appointments online are now released at 12 midnight for that day.